Crêperie Restaurant du Vieux Port i Saint-Pierre

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10 Rue du 11 Novembre, Saint-Pierre 97500, St Pierre and Miquelon
Kontakter telefon: +508 41 27 00
Latitude: 46.778007, Longitude: -56.174643
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Kommentar 5

  • Ross Hutto

    Ross Hutto


    Best dining experience I had in St. Pierre. Chef specializes in Basque cooking.

  • Jerry Clooney

    Jerry Clooney


    Amazing galettes & crêpes, this is the place to go to enjoy the foods, the service and the view ♡ !

  • Kevin Ealey

    Kevin Ealey


    Terrible service and ability to operate . Arrived as 2 diners at 12pm on Sunday . The restaurant, without consideration for us as tourist, turned us away . They had to accommodate 18 people , which we would have waited for ..

  • Ken Blair

    Ken Blair


    Pate came with only plain bread. Duck was undercooked. Cod was poor with a small wilted salad. Pears Helene was ice cream covered in whipped cream drizzled with chocolate sauce and a few very small pieces of pear. Very disappointing. Don't recommend.

  • Victor Heng

    Victor Heng


    Really good food at pretty okay prices. Would have liked slightly more food with the main dishes, but portions were not unreasonable. Mushroom soup starter was excellent. Shrimp samosas were also good, but could have been more crisp. Cheesecake dessert was fantastic. Rich and delicious. Basque tart was also good, but I wanted more blueberry with it.

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