Les P'tits Graviers i Saint-Pierre

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Rue Amiral Muselier, Saint-Pierre, PM Wspólnota Terytorialna Saint Pierre i Miquelon
Kontakter telefon: +508 41 75 28
Latitude: 46.7796715, Longitude: -56.1740522
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Kommentar 5

  • Jerry Clooney

    Jerry Clooney


    One of the best restaurant in the Island, I really recommend it for all the food lovers ♡ !

  • Cart Noonan

    Cart Noonan


    Staff were friendly and helpful. Food was excellent, except for my wife's steak which was on the well done side of medium well, despite being ordered medium (this was repeated at another St Pierre restaurant the next night, so it may have to do with a miscommunication). The accompanying potatoes and peppercorn sauce were delicious though. Monkfish and salmon were amazing too. I'd recommend for sure, especially for those staying at Hotel Les Iris, as it could save a walk in the rain.

  • Robert Langlois

    Robert Langlois


    Ouvert en été les après-midis, pour déguster gâteaux, cafés, jus de fruits pressés.

  • Brandon Robinson

    Brandon Robinson


    Very good food and service, and decent atmosphere. Nothing really exceptional but well prepared and tasty.

  • Ted y

    Ted y


    The Best -not for turist! - peace of France in the Norths of America! If you won't to feel be part of France community you can enjoy it there! Amazing food, amazing performance! FOR ARTIST ...LIKE AT HOME!

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